Thursday, November 1, 2018

Blog Stage Four : Substantial commentary or criticism #2

On October 23, 2018, the Washington Post published an article titled “The Trump administration is trying to tell people they aren’t who they are.” Over multiple generations, the topic of lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, transgender rights has been discussed throughout the United States courts and many others around the world. Movements around the states, such as ‘Pride Festival’ have been created not only to celebrate one’s identity, but to peacefully compel the on looking communities to recognize these individuals as who they identify as. The Trump administration is looking to place this movement into a box, with “a baby’s [once it is born] genitalia at birth “ determining it’s unalterable gender, being a girl or a boy with no room to self identify. The Editorial Board makes really good points, but one might argue people write off gay, lesbian, transgender as a choice. The gorvernment thinks that they can deny that women want to be male, its been denied that some men love other men, or African Americnas and white marriages are stable families. This article states the only way to accomplish it “to marginalize people”, but that is not the case. The solution would be that trump would be more enlightened on the LGBTQ community issues. In, reality it is up to the parents and genetic testing whether or not they wish to switch, but having this problem can mess up one’s identity. People should be express their personality even if theTrump’s administration is trying to tell they aren’t who they are because “trans rights are human rights”

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