Friday, October 5, 2018

Substantial commentary or criticism #1

On Thursday, October 4,2018, The New York Times published an article titled Introducing the Internet Bill of Rights. The Internet Bill of Rights is "provide a set of principle that is giving users that are about giving users more control of their online lives while creating a healthier internet economy" This articles not only question the ability of our technology but also it questions our invasion of privacy. Mr. Khanna, a Democratic representative "with the creation of the list." First of all, the "list" has four principles. The first one, which states "the right to have access and knowledge of all collection and uses personal data by companies." In many ways, this is completely what I was saying. The second one, not only it has permission to "opt-in and out" but that is before data is collected. It goes on and on with collecting data. Swisher, the person who wrote the article claimed that " Democrats thinks it is a yes." They are wrong because they don't think of the consequences when it comes to the internet. She states "the goal was to foster and encourage innovation." I can agree with that, but the rest of the article is just not fully thoughtful. Many people can be skeptical including me. Back to Mr. Khanna lists, he says "it's accountability to protect our privacy."Everyone can agree even the Democrats that it is not going to go well. It is going to be difficult creating this "Internet Bill of Rights." and to convince other Democrats who could go along with this data stealer Bill of Rights. 

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