Friday, November 30, 2018

Homeland Security Department

On November 30, 2018, The New York Times published an article about the Homeland Security Department's decision of leaving thousands of unarmed troops on the southwest U.S borders through the end of January. Trump promises to send 15,000 troops to confront the Mexican caravans that he describes as a "national threat." States are also deploying troops to the border. Even though the troops are unarmed ( enacted by the Posse Comitatus Act Law), they are being asked to stay during the holidays, probably into 2019 just to prevent innocent migrants from entering their dream country (U.S).

These immigrants spent months traveling just to be welcomed by thousands of American troops. This could lead in many different ways: a violent way or a friendly way, but these immigrants are escaping a violent, totalitarian country so they do not have to deal the same situation here at the U.S. In a recent situation, the Honduran caravan was tear gassed. First of all, is this legal? Second of all, innocent mother and children are being hurt and they didn't do anything to us. Lastly, it is absurd how they bad they are being treated. If they could be welcomed in Canada, the U.S can do the same.
The troops are being held from the holidays and spending time with their families, which is a huge part of the Amerian culture. They have far more responsibilities in other conflicts of our country. They should return home to their families and enjoy the holidays onto the new year.

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