Friday, December 14, 2018

Blog Stage 8: comment on a colleague #2

On Brisa's blog, I commented-

Now that Trump is president I.C.E has definitely evolved. Police officers are throwing innocent people to jail and if they are not a citizen, they are thrown back to their country, leaving their friends, family, and their dreams behind. Like Brisa said this law was "supposed" to keep us safe, while today, there are thousands of videos of different colored people getting beaten by police officers (who are also trying to keep us safe). If I was in the (immigrants) position this would make me scared to get out of my house. Brisa points out that nowadays cops are biased and are pulling people over based on race, and this makes people even more worried because they do not know what direction the cop is going for. The good direction or the bad direction. Immigrants should not be facing this kind of discrimination, especially here in the United States, where they come for a better life. You make really good points Brisa, really enjoyed reading this. 

Friday, November 30, 2018

Homeland Security Department

On November 30, 2018, The New York Times published an article about the Homeland Security Department's decision of leaving thousands of unarmed troops on the southwest U.S borders through the end of January. Trump promises to send 15,000 troops to confront the Mexican caravans that he describes as a "national threat." States are also deploying troops to the border. Even though the troops are unarmed ( enacted by the Posse Comitatus Act Law), they are being asked to stay during the holidays, probably into 2019 just to prevent innocent migrants from entering their dream country (U.S).

These immigrants spent months traveling just to be welcomed by thousands of American troops. This could lead in many different ways: a violent way or a friendly way, but these immigrants are escaping a violent, totalitarian country so they do not have to deal the same situation here at the U.S. In a recent situation, the Honduran caravan was tear gassed. First of all, is this legal? Second of all, innocent mother and children are being hurt and they didn't do anything to us. Lastly, it is absurd how they bad they are being treated. If they could be welcomed in Canada, the U.S can do the same.
The troops are being held from the holidays and spending time with their families, which is a huge part of the Amerian culture. They have far more responsibilities in other conflicts of our country. They should return home to their families and enjoy the holidays onto the new year.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Blog 6: Comment on a colleague's work #1

I commented on Brisa's blog, I said:

You make really good points. Daca is very important to teenagers, college students, adults, and children because it lets them live the American Dream. Without it, they are left with no job or education, which could lead them in a difficult position. You are right when you say children don't have a choice, but just to follow their parents. The parent's decision is for them to have a better life. If they are sent back, they are not going to have the same education as here in the U.S. This topic is so good, because it relates to so many people who are dealing with this problem. And it is very difficult now because of Trump and his followers who are wanting to take away this policy. I like how you target (in a good way) teenagers because we are witnessing the horrible news where children are suffering because they are being separated from their families. Brisa I really enjoyed your blog.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The National Government

Did the national government do the right thing of leaving abortion policies to the states? The answer is simply no. Leaving abortion to the states would cause patchwork of laws and it would have politicians interfere with a woman’s health care decision. According to Planned Parenthood, many states have proposed many dangerous requirements. Such as restricting insurance coverage, TRAP laws, which target restriction against abortion, and a requirement to attend biased counseling. One, this is just an intrusive and unfair for millions of women and families who have low incomes. Two, it supports Roe v Wade, which gave us the right to keep our privacy from the federal government. Three, politicians have no place to say about a woman's health care decision. Neither the President, Congress, or the Supreme Court deny women’s right on her reproductive choice. The only choice is to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies. Which any woman can do. This topic can be very controversial, but what matter is the woman’s health and making the safest decision.

In conclusion, the national government could not have left it to the state’s, because they just have harshly restrictive laws that would affect them even more (financially wise). Many have solutions to how to stop this problem, but there’s only one way that everyone could decide and that answer has not been given. For right now, it is up to smart and powerful women to make the safest decision for themselves. Not let any politician intervene making her health care decisions.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Blog Stage Four : Substantial commentary or criticism #2

On October 23, 2018, the Washington Post published an article titled “The Trump administration is trying to tell people they aren’t who they are.” Over multiple generations, the topic of lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, transgender rights has been discussed throughout the United States courts and many others around the world. Movements around the states, such as ‘Pride Festival’ have been created not only to celebrate one’s identity, but to peacefully compel the on looking communities to recognize these individuals as who they identify as. The Trump administration is looking to place this movement into a box, with “a baby’s [once it is born] genitalia at birth “ determining it’s unalterable gender, being a girl or a boy with no room to self identify. The Editorial Board makes really good points, but one might argue people write off gay, lesbian, transgender as a choice. The gorvernment thinks that they can deny that women want to be male, its been denied that some men love other men, or African Americnas and white marriages are stable families. This article states the only way to accomplish it “to marginalize people”, but that is not the case. The solution would be that trump would be more enlightened on the LGBTQ community issues. In, reality it is up to the parents and genetic testing whether or not they wish to switch, but having this problem can mess up one’s identity. People should be express their personality even if theTrump’s administration is trying to tell they aren’t who they are because “trans rights are human rights”

Friday, October 5, 2018

Substantial commentary or criticism #1

On Thursday, October 4,2018, The New York Times published an article titled Introducing the Internet Bill of Rights. The Internet Bill of Rights is "provide a set of principle that is giving users that are about giving users more control of their online lives while creating a healthier internet economy" This articles not only question the ability of our technology but also it questions our invasion of privacy. Mr. Khanna, a Democratic representative "with the creation of the list." First of all, the "list" has four principles. The first one, which states "the right to have access and knowledge of all collection and uses personal data by companies." In many ways, this is completely what I was saying. The second one, not only it has permission to "opt-in and out" but that is before data is collected. It goes on and on with collecting data. Swisher, the person who wrote the article claimed that " Democrats thinks it is a yes." They are wrong because they don't think of the consequences when it comes to the internet. She states "the goal was to foster and encourage innovation." I can agree with that, but the rest of the article is just not fully thoughtful. Many people can be skeptical including me. Back to Mr. Khanna lists, he says "it's accountability to protect our privacy."Everyone can agree even the Democrats that it is not going to go well. It is going to be difficult creating this "Internet Bill of Rights." and to convince other Democrats who could go along with this data stealer Bill of Rights. 

Friday, September 21, 2018

Article Introduction

The topic I researched Another Case of Vanishing Latino Children.  On September 21, 2018, The New York Times published an article that explained and reflected the low attendance rate in school because of the effect of Ice on children. Mr. Leonhardt says" In a two year period, the number of Latino students in these countries fell 10 percent,( almost 300,000 children)". In my own opinion, as a high school student and born into a family of immigrants, it's scary to think that "ICE" officers can violate your rights and deport you any time they want to. It's important to be educated and stop these so-called "Heroes" by taking advantage of our own people. Now I recommend this article to any American citizen who isn't aware of this terrible situation that is happening in our country. Stand up for what is right!